Thursday, May 22, 2008

Planted or Potted?

My father-in-law who pastors a church a Williamsburg, VA shares a weekly email to encourge his congregation and others whith whom he ministers...myself being one of them, which I must say is a true privilege. He is a wise man of God who has been in vocational ministry for most of his life. I benefit from his insight and discernment as often as I can! Here is a sampling...from Pastor Tom Wells.

I was driving down the road the other day and the thought dropped into my heart out of Psalm 1:3 where it says, “HE SHALL BE LIKE A TREE PLANTED…”. This verse is explaining what will happen to the person who is “blessed”…because ‘he walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the paths of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful’. There’s a big difference between a tree PLANTED and a tree POTTED. The tree potted looks the same right now, but does not have the potential of growing and bearing fruit. The potted tree just showcases what a young tree looks like before it begins to really ‘take off’ in its native habitat. The potted tree is green now, but has not grown the right root system to sustain it if a dry time comes; that tree is very dependent upon getting water daily and it takes much more moment to moment care…because it is not “planted” yet.

The PLANTED tree however, has a root ball where the canvas has been taken off and has negotiated a long term stay IN THE GROUND. It has made the decision to be IN THERE for the long haul…and has forfeited the life of being transient. We are much the same being “God’s field or garden” (1 Corinthians 3:9); before salvation we were not in soil that we could grow spiritually because we were spiritually dormant. But when we made that decision to give our life to Christ and follow Him, God undertakes the transition of taking us from being “potted” in our own cares, goals and preferences…to being planted in His House, in Him. The old ‘potted’ lifestyle has to go…the frequent waterings of selfishness and stroking our egos has to die so we can be TREES PLANTED BY THE RIVERS OF WATER. Those rivers flow in God’s House, in God’s building made out of living stones. This is where we come into a commitment to the Lord by being planted in the House of God: the benefits are plentiful…4-fold:

You’ll be planted by “the rivers of water”: lots of moisture, fulfillment, purpose as your life takes a God-track. Relational fulfillment and growing purpose abounds…
You will “bring forth your fruit in its season”: your life will begin to carry the weight of maturing, ripening fruit that affects people and brings lasting change.
“Your leaf also shall not wither”: in the past we had seasons of things going well and working out…but those were reciprocated by times where our leaf “withered”…showed the signs of no life and lost purpose, not knowing where we were going. That STOPS when I get ‘planted’ in the House of God (local church).
“And whatever he does shall prosper”: there is a decree that God will be your promotion and He will sustain what you do and make sure it multiplies.

This is Pastor Fred again...remember, wisdom is not so much what you understand to be true but how you live that understanding every day. Let's agree to be people of wisdom today, planted trees, living up to the truth we know and have connected to our lives.

Happy Memorial Day weekend! Find someone you know, a family who may have someone close to them serving in the military and let them know how much you appreciate their sacrifice!!!

Life to the Full!

Pastor Fred

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Do you have a cringe? You know, that internal reaction we have at the moment we encounter something we deem inappropriate. Think for a minute, when do you cringe? Is it when you see a parent reacting in anger to his/her child instead of bringing instruction with grace? Is it when you see on the news a minority suffering injustice because of prejudice? I would hope all of us cringe at least in the face of the most egregious offenses we often have the occasion to observe.

But, how sensitive is our cringe? Does it take something most all of society would agree as being egregious to trigger our cringe? I want my cringe to react in concert with Jesus' cringe. We've all heard of the popular WWJD (what would Jesus do)...I am asking WWJC (when would Jesus cringe)? For example, we are watching some form of media: movie, television, on the web, and something sensual occurs, something suggestive, do we cringe...WWJC? We are with friends and someone begins to tell a joke that demeans another ethnicity, do we cringe...WWJC? We are, media, comedian, friend, stranger...and the expletives come, profane words are used, do we cringe...WWJC?

I would like to suggest that one reason we should be cringing at profanity is because Proverbs tells us that "we eat from the fruit of our lips..." (I'm leaving the reference out in hopes that you'll do some digging yourself to find it, do a word search for fruit and lips and see what you can find in Proverbs). In a spiritual sense, we consume the words we speak. Angry people stay angry in part because they are feasting on angry words continually. Desperate people stay desperate in part because they are feasting on desperate words continually. You can keep that list, certainly I am not suggesting that if we only change our words, we immediately change our disposition. However, I am saying with confidence that our disposition will not change without a change in our words. It is a key part. So much of our physical world was created by God to teach us about our spiritual life. Think of the impact the kinds of food you eat has on your physical well being. Why should the words we "eat" be any different? They aren't. We consume them spiritually and they either bring healthy nourishment or destructive effects.

How, does this relate to our cringe? We should be cringing because of what that person is doing to themselves. When we subject ourselves to a person spewing expletives, we are watching a person poisoning themselves; it is spiritually self-destructive behavior. Do you think Jesus cringes at that? Do we?

There is also the Biblical principle of whatever we allow to be planted in our lives will produce fruit (look in Galatians 6). Meaning, that the profanity that comes from another isn't just hurting them, it harms us. We should be cringing because by subjecting ourselves to profanity there is a planting taking place in our lives in a spiritual sense. Now follow me here, in Genesis the principal of producing after one's own kind was established. Meaning that an apple tree creates apples and only apples. In the same way, if we continually subject ourselves to profane language from others, what kind of fruit do you think it will produce in us: profane thoughts, profane language, all things profane. Fertile soils nurtures everything that is planted within. We are spiritually fertile; what kinds of seeds are we accepting?

What about laziness and ignorance? Does the Bible treat them as spiritual issues? I think in reading the book of Proverbs, one would be hard pressed to make an argument otherwise. Why is this relevant? Because profanity, in my opinion, is usually a result of one or the other. It is a matter if ignorance when we look to profanity to express feeling and thoughts that are larger or inconsistent with the vocabulary we have developed. We search for words, find none, reach for an expletive and move on to the next word. They are intellectual gap fillers. Reading, learning, conversation, contemplation, etc. all contribute to a growing vocabulary. We should all be committed to expelling ignorance from our lives, especially in the area of expression.

What about laziness? That is when we have a sufficient vocabulary to express whatever we may be feeling or thinking yet out of laziness, a poor intellectual work ethic, we reach for an expletive because it takes less mental effort than searching for the right words. Do you know people who only use profanity when they are tired, angry, frustrated...? When we are emotionally weary, intellectual laziness sets in and the expletives roll. Are we cringing yet, is He, WWJC?

Now, I'm not suggesting that we all deputize ourselves and become the profanity police. Remember, if our response to the people around us is judgmental, self-righteous, and arrogant then we will be causing them to cringe, the great cringe exchange! If it is a stranger, chances are praying for them quietly in the moment is your best response. If my children are being subjected to it then maybe I will kindly ask them to be mindful of the children that are present, and always I use it to talk to my children about there are words we don't use and why. If we know them, instead of coming down on them, why not say something like this, "Could I share something with you I learned recently about words?" No one likes to be judged, but I have seldom met a person who is not willing to have a gracious, caring conversation.

In closing, remember, you can control most of what comes into your life, and certainly, you have complete control over what you are putting in the lives of others.


Pastor Fred