I thought I'd share a question, the question, someone posed to me recently...why would a benevolent God condemn people to hell? I call it The Question because it is the one I find most commonly asked by people who are interested in Christianity but just can't seem to trust God because of this apparent contradiction...here are my thoughts on this one...
I'll be the first to admit that many churches have focused on the wrong thing. Churches have been trying to frighten people into repeating a prayer after some deacon standing at an altar for years that only makes the church's roles get bigger but I'm not sure has any real impact on the person, no real change happens in the person's life. It frustrates me!
I like your question but I think it is better understood when we answer the more important question. Does God make any promises to me? His promises are more than we can number! He promises a life filled with meaning, purpose, significance, acceptance, calm, peace, enthusiasm, perseverance, endurance...and yes, forever...the best possible existence in this life and then, not just indescribably better after death but that which will one day be indescribable will never end...almost too much for my simple mind to grasp.
I don't know if you are much of reader but C.S. Lewis has this great little book called The Great Divorce. He has a very interesting view of "hell." He basically says that the very essence of hell is an existence void of God with no hope of changing that condition. You should check it out, very interesting.
So back to your question...I was just thinking today that how you and I would agree that every country in the world has leader, a president, a dictator in some instances. There would be no arguing about that list, it's factual. The second thing we would quickly agree on is that to be protected by that leader, their laws...one would have to be a citizen of that country. I may know everything there is to know about a particular country but I only have rights where I have citizenship.
The Kingdom of Heaven is open to anyone. Citizenship is available to anyone. There is no criteria, no test, no status to meet, no nothing. Think of it as a country with completely open borders, with no border patrol!
There is however an issue of allegiance. While it is open to all, all who expect the rights of "country" must be willing to give a sacred vow of loyalty. In fact, I would argue that all we see in this temporal world in regards to citizenship and culture and etc. was by God's design to point us to how His Heavenly Kingdom works. The moment I pledged my allegiance to Jesus, yes, as my King, I became a citizen of Heaven, with all the rights and privileges according to His Constitution and Bill of Rights, what we know to be the Bible. That happened for me in December of 1990.
From that day, I began to learn what I like to call the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus' teachings are all about culture...what is true, how to act in certain situations, how to feel in certain situations...when you really stop and listen to what Jesus said, He's saying this is how God's citizens should conduct their lives. I've devoted my life to it and I've got to tell you it has been one incredible journey...and is only going to get better if I truly believe all His promises, and I certainly do.
I also believe, just as with all sovereigns, there is an enemy. I believe the devil is real. A real presence in this universe. Real evil. I believe he has once sense of purpose and that is to prevent as many people as possible from "citizenship." I want to be direct with you because that is also one of my frustrations with some churches. People want real answers to their questions. I trust you do too. The devil's best trick is to get people to ask the wrong questions. Seriously, pick up and start reading in any of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and you'll find that Jesus is always correcting people's questions or just answering something all together different from what they asked...why...because He is trying to get them back on focus.
The question why would a benevolent God condemn people to an eternal hell is the wrong question. The right question is why would any person ever reject a benevolent God? Like C.S. Lewis, I believe that hell is both now and forever, for anyone who rejects God. Hell describes the state we are in, apart from a benevolent God. The devil wants us to believe that it is about God rejecting us. It is what the devil does...he takes a concept that is true and twists it just enough to distract us but leaves enough in there to keep us feeling like we are on the right track. That is the nature of deception. Are you a LOST fan? Sawyer, the con man in the series, will tell you a good con always has an element of truth.
This is where it gets serious. God says that citizenship has to be determined in this life, while we have breath. Why He designed it to be that way, I can't answer that. For me, I trust that since He created the universe, He knows what He is doing. Are there second chances for people after death? The Bible seems to be clear that there isn't, but for me, that's not the point. Why would anyone reject a benevolent God now, reject all the promises He makes to us in this life, why? He is so perfect, so complete, so everything. Why would anyone want to exist for another moment without all that He freely gives.
I know that you love your children deeply, like we do ours. But one day, when our children become adults, they too will have to choose to be in right relationship with us. Just like you do with your Mom. I know she loves you deeply, just as you love your son. I know this is not your situation but as an example if you chose a destructive life style, she would always be there for you to come home to but would never accommodate your own self destruction, if she truly loves you. I pray you'll never have to make that decision with your son...and I believe in your heart, you feel the truth of the words I am sharing with you. As parents, we unconditionally love our children but must never accommodate their self-destruction.
As a pastor, my heart breaks for all the children who reject their parents for a life that always ends up in heart ache and misery. The greater sin is however the parent who keeps them there because they are forever accommodating. God can't accommodate our own personal self destruction. God has never in all of history ever rejected anyone. He is always waiting with open arms. The question is whether or not we'll come home.
To take it a step further, one might say, "I understand all that but if He really loves us that much, why doesn't He just rescue us?" I would say He already has. Imagine someone you love standing in a burning building. You can see them, they can see you, you can hear one another. You are calling to them to come out, the door is open and safety is just steps away. Yet, perplexingly, they just stand there. I know courage would compel you to do what I would do, run in at your own risk. But what if they fight you, resist you, nothing you do is able to move them, they insist on staying.
Has God rushed in? I think He has. That is the beauty of the story of Jesus. Jesus came from heaven to earth, He rushed into the burning building of our humanity. Why won't people follow Him to safety, to life? I've devoted my whole life to asking people that question. Where are you?
I'm teaching about this on Sunday...I hope you come to listen. (blog readers can hear the pod cast from our site, http://www.thecitylifechurch.com/ for the Sunday message on 10/19).
Pastor Fred