On a trip Vannessa and I took to New Orleans in February of 2010, we were on a street car taking in the sites of a city so rich in history and sitting on a bench diagonally from us had a bag from an adult store, Hustler, that had printed on it, "Relax, it's just sex."
I thought to myself, "I'm sure that's what someone said to help convince the men of Israel to attend the Baal Party being held by some of their neighbors." I should have asked that man carrying the bag if he had ever read Numbers 25, "Hey, relax, it's just a plague and a spear."
We must never forget that God's ordinance are never to rob us of pleasure but rather to keep us from settling for less!
So what's the big deal about sex? Well for starters, if you aren't married, your sexuality is an impressionable part of your person. God made it that way so your first sexual encounters will be with the only person with whom you will have such sacred moments of pleasure, making your sexuality responsive only to them. Our sexuality is really not our own but our spouse's, we are entrusted with it until it is ready for their imprint, and their imprint alone.
Our sexuality is also a gateway to joining our soul to another person. We are made to be one with another person of the opposite gender and when we engage in sexual encounters with others, we create a spiritual tie to them. If you have had sexual encounters with others, those ties need to be broken so that when you meet your future spouse, you can find an other worldly unity that is only possible in the hands of Sovereign God, joining two people whose "hidden person of the heart" is completely unencumbered.
If you are married now and had sexual encounters prior to being married, talk to your pastor about renouncing those ties. If this is unfamiliar to them, look up Cleansing Stream on the web and contact them about resources they have available. Also, Jack Hayford of The Church On The Way has some great teachings on this topic. Another must read is Doug Weiss' book entitled Sex, Men, and God.
"Relax, God always has our best interest at heart."