Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8

In today's reading in 2 Chronicles 30 and 31, we find some beautiful examples of the expectation that God has of each of us to do our part in ensuring that there are vibrant, life giving spiritual families in our respective communities that gather for worship, embrace a life defining faith, and support a vocational clergy.

In verses 7-9 of chapter 30, God speaks of the people who refuse to gather for corporate worship as being stubborn, having abandoned God, and having become the object of His derision because they are refusing to submit to God's call to gather regularly for worship. The particular gathering in this account is to celebrate the annual feast of Passover. I love the instruction that God gives regarding the Passover in Exodus 12:4, that families who cannot consume an entire lamb by themselves, should join with other families so nothing is wasted. If Jesus is the Passover Lamb, and we know He is, then what kind of crowd do we need to be a part of consistently to rise to the measure of His life! Do you gather with a church each week? Are you experiencing the joy sharing in the worship of Christ with others?

Moving on to chapter 31, in verse 1 we find that for those who gathered, there was a personal revelation during that gathering that there were inconsistencies between what they professed in worship and how they lived at home. And immediately upon their return to their communities, they began to abandon aspects of their lives that they knew were a contradiction to their declaration of faith to live as a child of God. When you drive home after sharing in the worship of Christ with others, are you examining your life as the Holy Spirit leads to explore areas of inconsistency in your life, between your declaration of faith and your attitudes, your words, your life roles, your relationships, your habits, your character, your marriage, your parenting, your job...

Finally, again in chapter 31, verse 4, we find that the people took up the responsibility to take financial ownership of ensuring that priests and their families were supported so they could devote their time to meeting the spiritual needs of their respective communities. Part of gathering for worship regularly is in bringing your contribution so that the church you call home has the financial means to advance ministries and endeavors to care for the community and will be ready to care for you when you need them, and at some point, you will! But until your crisis arises, be a person who takes delight in knowing that the urgent needs of others are being attentively addressed because you cared enough to share what you have!

Go to church this weekend, share in the worship of Christ, live according to your faith, and give generously!

Pastor Fred

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