Thursday, October 28, 2010

Same God?

Have you ever read Luke chapter 12, verse 32 and verse 47 and asked how this can be the same God? Because reading them alone can leave two entirely different impressions.

Verse 32 reads, "Do not be afraid, little flock, your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom." Wow, that makes me feel accepted, loved, cared for...chosen! I'm great, celebrating, dancing even!

Then, I get to verse 47, "That servant who knows his master's will and does not get ready or does do what his master wants will beaten with many blows." In the verses prior, Jesus states in the parable that a servant can be assigned to a place with unbelievers! Okay, now I am very, very afraid! I find this such a striking contrast because the consequence is not just the Kingdom being withheld, but in addition, a very real punishment being exacted.

This is why we read the whole Bible and use phrases like, "We understand all Scripture texts in light of the whole of Scriptural texts." If I only read verse 32, I have a perception of God that no matter what, the Kingdom is ours if we are His. If I only read verse 47, I am constantly trying to survive, just trying to avoid wrath with no hope of favor.

Jesus left these two insights into the heart of God next to one another, not to confuse us, but rather to complete us, to ensure that our understanding of the Father is whole.

May we all be given fully to His will, His ways, walking out of consequence and walking into favor!

Pastor Fred

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