Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12

In 1 Samuel 19, we find the most remarkable account of the power of God's presence. On three different occasions, Saul sent troops to arrest David and each time as they encounter Samuel the prophet, God's presence was so irresistible that instead of searching for David, they began to sing and worship and declare the wonders of God. Finally, even Saul himself journeyed to Ramah and found himself in the irresistible presence of the majesty of God.

So often in my life during my youth and college years I would find myself in church services and experience the undeniable presence of God and be drawn into moments of worship and prayer. But I would always inevitably revert back to a self-directed existence almost immediately after leaving the service. The only way that His abiding presence can take root in our lives is when we choose to embrace a God-directed existence; otherwise, our God encounters will always be as Saul's, on the road of "on occasion."

Are we Saul or are we Samuel? Is our God life intermittent or life defining? May we too be overwhelmed by His presence and may we be a people whose belief in God is life defining, passion filled, and moment by moment governing!

Pastor Fred

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