Sunday, January 31, 2010

Exodus 32

This is the famous text of the people making the golden calf and God threatening their destruction with Moses interceding for them, resulting in what appears to be a moment where God "changes His mind." This raises the question, "How can a sovereign God change His mind?" Does this imply a mistake by Him that resulted in needing human intervention to re-direct His intentions? This text certainly raises these questions but I believe the path of "open deism" is in error and unScriptural. (If you want to learn more about open deism, check out the April 2008 post on this blog.)

I believe this text and other similar ones are some of Scriptures greatest treasures as they give us insight into how deeply God feels. I believe these verses in Exodus are God sharing the intimate feelings of His heart. So let me ask you this question, do you ever feel something that upon which your character would never let you take action? We are created in His image and should not be taken back by moments like this where even though God knew they would rebel, He still feels feelings of betrayal and disappointment that rise to the place of feeling for their destruction. Just as in Psalms where God instructs us to be authentic about our feelings, knowing that Psalms 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, reminds that His decrees should ultimately govern our actions. Here in Exodus God is teaching by our observation of Him.

Another question open deists raise is that if God knew advance, why is there such a strong emotional response. So let me ask you another question. If you new from the day your child was born that they were going to suffer and die an untimely, tragic death, when the moment finally came, would you be any less grieved? You may not be surprised, but your grief and sorrow would not be be abated by any measure. We must not mistake God's sorrow for surprise in Biblical texts.

Finally, in this chapter, we have an invaluable lesson in leadership in verses 21-24 that if we promote people to levels of leadership prematurely, they end up being led by the people instead of directing them.

Pastor Fred

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