Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14

We opened our weekend services with the following question, if you hadn't eaten for 5 days, what would you dream about eating? The answers were what you would expect, people's favorite meals like mac n cheese, steak, loaded potatoes, chocolate, and the surprise was cold cereal! Then, we shared this, "The situation we just imagined is a scenario that God wants you to experience, physical fasting is essential to Christianity." (take time to listen to Saturday's podcast)

There are many kinds of fasts such as fasting television, favorite activities, etc., but a physical fast is a practice that alters your diet or eliminates food and/or drink for a Scriptural purpose (Isaiah 58:6-8) with the added benefit of deepening our measure of eternal life (Mark 9:29). The verse in Isaiah 58 gives us, according to Dr Elmer Towns, the 9 Biblical fasts. However, Dr. Towns like many others, treats Mark 9 as a textual reference for a specific type of fast. I believe that Mark 9:29, where Jesus references fasting along with prayer as the key to Him being able to minister to the possessed boy after returning from the Mount of Transfiguration, is Jesus teaching us that spiritual disciplines are the key to being ready for moments of ministry. I don't believe He is speaking to fasting and prayer as much as He is speaking to what they represent, a person who is committed to strengthening their spiritual life is a person who is ready when faith is required. Jesus' comment "this kind" was not just in reference to the type of possession from which the boy suffered but also the approach the disciples had been taking in trying to assist the boy. "This kind" of human effort cannot do what only our spirits are equipped to accomplish and our spiritual life is only matured and strengthened through spiritual disciplines, what we call at City Life "pathways" of which Jesus mentions two, prayer and fasting.

Fasting does not have to be accompanied by extended times of prayer and study to be beneficial. All the pathways enrich one another. I find prayer blended with worship is wonderful, serving while also building relationships is especially meaningful, so of course, fasting along with other pathways elevates each but that should not lead to the wrong assumption that it cannot stand alone. Prayer alone is powerful. Scripture alone is powerful. Generosity alone is powerful. Worship alone is powerful. Fasting alone is powerful. Fasting is not for the most spiritually mature. We do not get promoted into fasting one day when we have reached the pinnacle of spirituality. Fasting is fundamental. Fasting is basic Christianity! The extent and measure of one's fast will reflect a person's spiritual life but missing one meal, setting aside one day, altering one's diet in some manner is something that everyone can do. Even if you have unique medical needs, talk with your doctor about how you can safely practice fasting. Remember, you must cross the threshold of self-denial in order for fasting to begin. Drinking Coke products instead of your preferred Pepsi products is not fasting! Drinking Maxwell House instead of some gourmet brand is not may be tragic but it's not fasting!

Self-denial is a critical component of physical fasting as this brings us to a place of exercising control over our physical bodies, conditioning ourselves to learn how to let the Holy Spirit be the dominant influence over our will and not our humanity. Our humanity has been given to us to serve us. Too many people are a slave to their humanity instead of having dominion over their own lives...and physical fasting is a key to breaking free!

Hey, don't eat that!

Pastor Fred

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