Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 8

In today's reading of 2 Corinthians 1, we find two intensely probing questions to which we must all submit ourselves.

The first one is imbedded in the Apostle Paul's statement of self-discovered divine purpose, or as the author Edward P. Wimberly says in Recalling Our Own Stories, our project of existence. Paul writes, "I have been chosen by God to be a missionary for Jesus Christ." I have place missionary in italics to identify this as your fill in the blank! We must all be able to complete this sentence! What have you been chosen by God to do, your divine purpose, your project of existence?

The second one is imbedded in his very next statement, "Timothy is here with me..." Who has God called you to be with as you pursue your purpose? In fact, I would argue, who you are with not only determines the measure of success you will have in fulfilling your project of existence but is also essential in even discovering that purpose! The Apostle Paul himself, after his life altering encounter with Jesus, immersed himself in the community of the church, out which, his revelation of purpose began. Did he spend time in the wilderness, yes, but he did not remain there! Read the first few verses of Acts 13:1, "In the local church at Antioch..." This is where Paul's first fill in the blank moment was written!

What are you to do, who are you with? For me, I know that means pastoring at The City Life Church with the people of the Peninsula and the Tidewater region. Fill in your blanks!

Pastor Fred

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