Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2

One of the reasons a commitment to reading the Bible daily is so vital is because we need to maintain our vision for more, more of what could be, more moments in life where the veil of this temporal world is pulled back and a glimpse of the world in which we are immersed is revealed.

The story of Balaam. There he is on the road and God enables him to see the angel. The angel has always been there, even the donkey saw the angel. So often our attention is drawn to the wonder of a donkey being given the power of speech and Balaam's apparent lack of surprise regarding his conversational beast of burden with whom he proceeds to have an argument! Undoubtedly, that part of the account deserves attention, however, not at the expense of what ensues. He caught a glimpse, the veil was pulled back, he saw something of the eternal world in which this temporal world is immersed. He saw a heavenly being.

Jesus often began His teachings with the phrase, "He who has ears, let him hear." We find that same statement from the angel in Revelation 3:22 when speaking to John. Certainly having ears and eyes has always been common place among humanity... for the hearing and seeing within the context of this natural realm. But may it be for all of us that like Balaam on the road and John on an island, God would grace us with moments of an open heaven, a glimpse.

Pastor Fred

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