Thursday, June 13, 2013

1 Kings 8 & 2 Chronicles 5

In today's reading, we find some wonderful applications to our lives, especially leading up to Father's Day weekend!

In 1 Kings 8:17-19, we are reminded that one of our greatest joys in life as a father is for our lives to prepare our children to excel, especially in their divine destiny.  We can either read this as David's greatest disappointment or his greatest joy!  The true heart of a father will always find the most fulfillment in serving the future of their children.

I also find verses 41-43 intriguing.  Some render these verses as referring to proselytes, foreigners who have now converted to Judaism.  But that is not how I believe this texts reads.  I believe this is a wonderful textual example of how God will hear and answer the prayers of those who do not follow Him as a way of bringing them closer to a place of complete devotion.  This a great prayer for us to diligently use in our own petitions to God on behalf of people we long to see become devoted followers of Christ, "Lord, may it be that they will have a need they share with You in a moment of desperation, like Solomon's prayer, that they have heard of Your reputation as a God who merciful, gracious, slow to anger, rich in steadfast love and truth and that You will answer their prayer and capture their heart!"

Finally, I am drawn to the posturing often referred to in this prayer of Solomon..."pray toward this Temple."  I don't think we have to face in any particular direction as we pray, remembering that elevating cultural practices to a place of spiritual significance is really ultimately motivated by one ethnicity in search of feelings of superiority.  On the inside however, the direction in which we face matters much...may we all face Him forever!

Pastor Fred

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