Now, what about the last part of the verse in Mark. Doesn't it seem to imply a different motivation. Doesn't it appear to say that God might withhold revelation so they will not repent? We must always understand the Bible in light of itself. If we find verses that appear to at odds with one another, the problem is never in Scripture but rather in our understanding. 2 Peter 3:9 states that God's desire is that no one perish and not have the opportunity to come to full repentance and be reconciled to Him as their Creator and Heavenly Father. So how do we understand the latter half of Mark 4:12?
I believe that Jesus here is comparing two paths, the first part of the verse is speaking to how people may still rebel after they know better so God withholds revelation to minimize their judgment and that the latter half of the verse is speaking not to God's motivation but rather the alternative choice of the person. We should read it this way, "When they see what I do, they learn nothing. When they hear what I say, they will not understand (thus I will not bring more revelation to people I know are just going to rebel). Otherwise, they will turn to me and be forgiven (then there are other people who have a heart that defers to me so that when I bring revelation to them, they repent and further submit their lives to me and oh how I long for all people to be this way instead of the former).
Which one are you, am I?
Pastor Fred
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