Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7

As we progress into the new year, with weight loss resolutions looming large, I take great comfort in Leviticus 3:16b, "All the fat belongs to the Lord!"

Seriously, if you are looking for some in depth explanations for the meaning behind all the intricacies of the Levitical rites, Crosswalk's Library has a host of study helps you can access for free online.

My thoughts are drawn this morning to Jesus' statement in Matthew 5:17-20 where He proclaims that nothing of the Law should be abolished (including all that we are presently reading in Leviticus); rather, He came to fulfill the Law. But we must not mistake "fulfillment" with "continuation." Jesus did not intend for us to continue in the practices of the Law as the purpose of the Law became complete upon His substitutionary death. All of the Law was for the purpose of pointing us to Jesus and His atoning death for us on the cross. Once the purpose was complete, the expectation of practice ended.

In addition, we must understand the Biblical distinction between "practice" and "principle." There are many practices that are time bound, as with animal sacrifice; however, the principle is still held sacred. The principle related to animal sacrifice is that of a substitutionary death. We celebrate and hold dear this principle for eternity, for without it, there would be no forgiveness...Jesus is our sacrifice.

Have you made Jesus death for you personal? We can believe that He lived and His crucifixion happened. It is something entirely different to put the full weight of your life upon Him.

Pastor Fred

*check out some articles on

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