Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 5

Each of our lives has been gifted in a particular manner to serve God and His purposes...have you discovered yours? In Exodus 31:1-11, 35:30-35 we read about two men who were filled with the Spirit of God and equipped to accomplish something specific for God. There will forever be a sense of fulfillment that eludes us until we both discover our gift and exercise it for the greater glory of God.

My thoughts are drawn as well to the verses found in 32:9-10 as these kind of texts are used to advance a belief know as Open Theism. If you are interested in reading more about this, check out the post from April 4, 2008. In short, open theists question whether really knows the future and site texts such as this in support of that view. The question they pose is that if God knew what was going to happen, why would have such a strong emotional response...why does He appear to be surprised? For me, I believe that such moments do not question His omniscience but rather beautifully display His perfect, loving heart. Even when moments come that He fully anticipates, moments He has foreseen, His heart is so full of love for us that our failings still elicit grief from Him. This is not a sign of surprise but rather perfect love.

Pastor Fred

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