Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Deuteronomy 25

According to the study note in The Apologetics Study Bible, The custom described here (the so-called "levirate marriage") must be understood in terms of a number of qualifications. First, the marriage to a widow was expected but not mandatory (Ruth 4:5-6). Then, since monogamy was the only sanctioned form of marriage, the surviving brothers must not be married in order to fulfill the obligation. Finally, the purpose was to preserve the deceased brother's name and by this means to guarantee his ongoing identity...

Remember too, this was how a person inheritance of land and material resource was kept in tact. The first born male of that marriage was as well given the name of the deceased first husband. This culture was so rich with generosity, prodigal generosity! While the specific practices certainly do not transfer to us today, they must translate! Give!!

Pastor Fred

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