Saturday, March 13, 2010

Deuteronomy 33

Here we find again the reference to two of the most elusive inclusions in Scripture, the Thummim and Urim. We find them first mentioned in Exodus 28:30, they were to be placed in the breast-plate of the high priest. The purpose for them was to discern the will of God. The New Unger's Bible Dictionary says this, "These formed the medium through which the high priest ascertained the will of Jehovah in regard to any important matter affecting the theocracy (Numbers 27:21).

Still, all agree, that there is no definitive explanation in the Bible or extra-Biblical sources, like the historian Josephus, where we have anything more than speculation. Josephus in his writings (Ant. 3.8.9) "identifies them with the sardonyxes on the shoulders of the ephod and says that they were bright before victory or when the sacrifice was acceptable, dark when any disaster as impending." (New Unger's Bible Dictionary) Still, no one knows with any certainty, all is ultimately conjecture when it comes to the Thummim and Urim.

I believe that they are the OT type of the indwelling Holy Spirit in the life of the devoted follower of Christ. Ours is not to know how they were used in ancient Israel but rather that since we have an eternal High Priest in Christ, the will of God is made plain to us through His Spirit, the Holy Spirit as we read Paul explain in 1 Corinthians 2:8-16. You have a Thummim and Urim in you...the mind of Christ!

Pastor Fred

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