Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Numbers 31

We must never forget that death is only the beginning. Even when that death comes in our judgment, if we are reconciled to God as Moses was, Heaven is our inheritance still.

This verse, the latter part of verse one, "After that, you will be gathered to your people." is one of the most definitive texts in Scripture that speak to life after death. It doesn't say that "after that, your life will end" or that "after that, your existence will cease" or any other expression that would instruct that this life is all there is...every word in Scripture is strategic, God teaches in every verse the Truth we are to embrace...death is only the beginning, this life, awake in the womb.

A few thoughts about Balaam, remember him? You would think a talking donkey and seeing an angel would be enough to get you back on the straight and narrow, not for him. In what ways has God made Himself real to you but yet you still resist Him?

Final thought on this chapter. Whenever we see what appears to be brutality at the hand of God, we must always remember that God is love, perfect love and perfect in all His ways. Even when it seems that what He is doing contradicts the very essence of His nature, we must not let our ignorance displace His sovereignty, when understanding eludes us, trust.

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