Tuesday, May 4, 2010

2 Samuel 6:1-23

We must not see Uzzah or Ahio as innocent. They were Levites. They knew that it was not to be carried on a cart (Numbers 4:15; 7:9). Interesting that it came to them on a cart (1 Samuel 5 - 7:1) and how they allowed something they observed to displace what they knew to be God's will, His way.

We also know that within the tribe of Levi, certain families had specific duties and it was the Aaronic priests who were the caretakers of The Ark. I see Uzzah and Ahio here as prideful, coveting a ministry to which they had not been called, not been given. They should have instructed David in what needed to be done. They should not have succumbed to the temptation of prestige. Psalm 106 comes to mind...obedience leads to life...disregard for His ways leads to...Uzzah.

Let's jump to verses 12-23...I have listened to far too many people use these verses to justify their being conspicuously different in their worship expression in a group, creating a distraction, drawing attention to themselves. They misread the text. How? Because the forsake the context. They forget verses 14-16. David was part of a massive assembly, all of whom were dancing, singing, shouting, sacrificing...a parade of worship! The focus of the text on David's individuality was to reveal his wife's lack of deference to yield herself to worship where we abandon ourselves to His presence, not to imply that David was the only one. In group settings, we should always be in step with the group as led by whoever is presiding over the gathering. We must not let the rebellious and attention grabbers prostitute God's Sacred Word for their own self-exaltation...where are the scholars of the house?

Pastor Fred

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