Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Psalm 30

In verse 12b of this Psalm, we are pressed to an intriguing question. The text reads, "...I will praise your forever."

The question is, could doing anything the Bible commands ever become tedious, especially, in the context of eternity, once we breathe our last breath and find ourselves in heaven where we will most certainly be praising God forever, among many other things undoubtedly, but nonetheless, praise will be an integral part of our existence in our eternity with Him in the New Heaven and New Earth...could we grow board of the repetition of praise?

Revelation 21:5, we hear Jesus saying, "Behold, I a making everything new..." This most certainly is filled with meaning but in part I believe is this, He has the power to make everything He asks of us just as fulfilling the millionth time as it was the first. That He is not bound by the law of diminishing marginal returns! There is no sense of repetitiveness in Heaven because He makes all things new, always! I believe as well that if we obey the mandates of Scripture with the right motives, one to please God and embrace the abundant life that He longs for us to possess, that we bring that same promise of newness to us in this life...that the study of Scripture, prayer, generosity, accountability...never becomes monotonous because of His power to bring "first time fulfillment" to every moment!

Pastor Fred

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