Monday, May 10, 2010

2 Samuel 8-9

Do you feel measured by a cord? Do you feel fate is your master? Do you feel like a cord is being stretched out over humanity and that where that cord may fall determines your life...a single length and you live, double and you perish?

Remember, if you are a child of God because you have made a vow of devotion to His Son, Jesus, you have related to the wrong participants in the text! You are not the captured, you are David, you are the Israelites, you are the one who is supposed to be doing the measuring! Don't let the devil trick you into seeing yourself in the line of the are the invading army, not the ones now captive!

Listen, God wants you to identify with this text as the one who has dominion over his/her life!! Rule your life in accordance with the wisdom of His word and you will vanquish whatever internal enemies remain!

Pastor Fred

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