Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19

Matthew 13 can be troublesome. Whenever the text appears to imply that God is withholding from someone what they need to change, He appears callous. This creates a significant conflict for us because Scripture repeatedly describes God as "a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger, rich in steadfast love and truth" and yet here is Matthew 13.

Why would God withhold revelation from someone, revelation they need? We must remember that Scripture also teaches a principle that people are held accountable according to their understanding. We don't punish our children for being childlike, only when they are foolish. Foolishness is when we know better. If God knows that we are not ready to live up to the revelation, abide by it, out of graciousness He withholds that truth. He chooses to let us remain in ignorance until He sees our hearts are ready to walk in the righteousness of the revelation that awaits us.

Pastor Fred

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