Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21

Exodus 3:12 is the revelation that we must all live within..."I am with you..." When we abide in the conscious awareness that our heavenly Father is ever present with us, not just humanity as a race, but attentive to our individual lives... shalom, peace displaces all fear, anxiety, and doubt.

I am struck this morning too at the grandiose promise that God gives Moses during the burning bush encounter. Here is a people, quite possibly numbering in the millions who are enslaved by the Egyptians and have been for centuries. God is saying that in totality, the entire ethnic group of the Hebrews is going to be freed, will give birth to a new nation of people, they will settle and live in some idyllic place (flowing with milk and honey), and that the Egyptians are going to voluntarily endow them with all their personal riches upon their departure...and this 80 year old man who has been in exile for the last 40 years is going to lead them...really!

Because Moses had an "I am with you..." revelation, he could believe in the seemingly impossible promises of God.

Let's believe together...He is with us!

Pastor Fred

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