Thursday, May 23, 2013


We finished our series 47 Words this past weekend, listening to Jesus' last words, His last 7 sayings, His last 47 words in His last 6 hours.  Luke 23:44:49 gives us the final 8, "Father, into thy hands I commend My spirit."

This moment wasn't Jesus being melodramatic, theatrical, broadwayish...He was speaking volumes of truth through every one of the 7 sayings and this last one is certainly no exception.  I believe one of the Kingdom principles Jesus was teaching in His final moments was this, "Your destiny is desperate for you to know how to trust the right people with the right things at the right time!"  In our weekend services (you can catch the podcast at we introduced this principle by talking about culminating moments and a dream for your life that is too big for two hands.  We did not quite make it to the last two points at both campuses.

The third point was having the courage to trust again (we hit this one briefly in NN but not in WMB).  You might be saying, "Don't talk to me about don't know what I've been through."  That is true, but we are told what Jesus has been through and if His life is a study of anything, it is most certainly a study of betrayal!  We have Lucifer's betrayal in the Heavens, there is Israel's betrayal of rejecting their own Messiah, of course there is Judas, and also Peter.  He knows what it is like to have His trust betrayed.  And yet, at the very end, He trusts.  That is what this word that is translated "commend" in the text  Without trust, we will never fulfill our destiny because the dream God has dreamed for us is too big for two hands!

Deuteronomy 32:30 reminds us that while one can put one thousand to flight, two can put ten thousand to flight!  Can you hear Him today?  I can hear Him saying, "Your destiny is desperate for you to know how to trust the right people with the right things at the right time!"

We'll cover the last point tomorrow...

Pastor Fred

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