Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1 Samuel 10 - 11

In both of these chapters, we find a phrase that states the Spirit of God "took control" of Saul. We must remember that the Bible must be understood in light of itself. Meaning, that one interpretation of one verse cannot be held in contradiction to another verse. This means we have the wrong interpretation. I always loved those precious arguments with each of my children as they began to dress themselves. "Hey, your shoes are on the wrong feet." They would inevitably say, "No they are not." They had yet to recognize the blatantly obvious cues to mis-fitted shoes. We must not continue to fail to recognize the blatantly obvious cues of mis-fitted interpretations, the first of which is a contradictory verse elsewhere.

In 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, Paul exhorts the Corinthian church that the spirit of the prophet is always in the control of the prophet. So the next time someone says they couldn't help their outburst because they were in the grip, control of the Holy Spirit and reference 1 Samuel 10 and 11, lovingly take them to 1 Corinthians 14:32-33. This phrase "took control" I believe means that the Spirit of God was the dominant influence of their will, with no competing allegiances. So often our competing allegiance wins which is "what will people think of me" or "God has never used me in this way before" or "I'm not worthy of such a supernatural encounter" and etc.

Come one, let's be in His grip, for Him to take control of us, to be the most dominant influence on our will...but never out of control as that satisfies both texts!

Pastor Fred

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