Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1 Samuel 4-7

We must not confuse the Ark of the Covenant with a talisman, which is an object that possesses magic powers with the assumption being that those powers are conveyed to whomever possesses the object.

The Ark of the Covenant conveys no power to a person or a nation but rather the covenant in ones heart with God, of which the Ark was a symbol is where the power presides. The Israelites found courage in facing insurmountable odds when the Ark was in the camp, not because of magical powers but because they were reminded of the covenant they had made with God and that covenantal relationship was the motivation behind God interceding supernaturally on their behalf.

In this portion of the text, we see they lost the battle in spite of the presence of the Ark. Why? Because they had broken covenant with God. No covenant, no favor, no power.

Nor was Samuel's prophetic abilities hindered by the Ark's absence during all its years at Abinadab's house. Why, because it was Samuel's covenant with God that mattered. Did David want the Ark back from Abinadab's house when he became king? Absolutely. Did it matter? Absolutely. Why? Not because it was a talisman but because it was a reminder to the people that they were in a covenantal relationship with God. It was their wedding ring. My ring has no power a part from my promise but my ring reminds me of my promise and it is in our promises that we are well postured for the favor of those with whom we covenant.

Are you keeping your promises? To your wife, your children, your calling, your God?

Pastor Fred

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