Friday, April 16, 2010

1 Samuel 22/Psalm 52

Verse 2 reads, "In addition, every man who was desperate, in debt, or discontented rallied around him, and he became their leader."

As leaders we must never forget that it is our calling that secures our success and never our resources. Thankfully, for me personally, I cannot relate to David as we are walking with God's best!

Verses 11-23 speak loudly to us, that it is better to perish with our integrity and enter eternity with our character in tact than to prolong this temporal life or try to enrich it with fleeting pleasures resulting in our forever being in jeopardy. If we see the citizens of Nob as the victims here, we mis-read the text. Doeg is truly the one who is accursed in this account.

Pastor Fred

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