Wednesday, April 21, 2010

1 Samuel 28

This is a study note out of the Apologetics Study Bible...

Did the medium of Endor really conjure up the dead prophet Samuel? Though scholars disagree on this question, the Bible suggests that she did. The Law of Moses sternly forbids consultation of mediums (Lv 20:27; Dt 18:10-12) but never says that communicating with dead people is impossible. Saul was seemingly able to speak with a figure that not only accurately repeated key themes from Samuel's previous private conversations with Saul, but also correctly predicted the deaths of Saul and his sons. This suggests that the king was indeed speaking with Samuel.

Occult practices are very real, and very dangerous which is why God expressly forbids them. Satan can in fact convey supernatural power and at first it seems as though we have been given a great gift...until we discover that these abilities came at the expense of spiritual bondage. He owns those who have taken from his hand.

If you have partaken in occult practices and have never been delivered from the agreements you either made willfully or naively, find a church that is equipped to walk you through a prayer of deliverance, a church that will often have a ministry operating like Cleansing Stream.

Pastor Fred

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