Thursday, April 15, 2010

1 Samuel 20/Psalm 11 & 59

In verse 19 of chapter 20, we find the word Ezel, which translates departure. It is hard to "depart" from a fight when we are right, when we are the innocent. But may we remember that sometimes providence asks us to posture in a manner that may appear to the rest of the world as surrender, as cowardice but may we always remember that we trust God's direction, even if it means suffering public shame, always choose destiny, destiny that is possessed only through the guiding hand of providence. David had already been anointed as king. He had the support of the people, the support of the king's son, and the ability to win. Yet, he retreated out of obedience to God. How many times have we postponed our future because we were over committed to the moment?

Psalm 59:17 reads, "To You, my strength, I sing praises, because God is my stronghold - my faithful God."

Pastor Fred

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